
自1977年创立起,Mondragon Assembly公司选择创新作为发展进步的工具,公司将相当一部分资源投入对新产品的研发,以拓展整体服务的范围。此外,自2002年起,集团建立了自己的技术中心Koniker,以对中长期的技术进行研发和吸收。



  • 光伏组件生产新技术:后接互联,无铅焊接,异质结及柔性电池用导电胶,多线互联
  • 新工艺流程:通过EL(代替EVA材质的层压板)对零件断裂进行自动检测。
  • 优化生产产量:生产控制软件,生产流程可追溯系统,生产的总体灵活性(无缝模型变化)


  • 新自动化技术:工业工艺4.0:自我学习和自我感知的机器,协作机器人与操作员共享工作区。
  • 新装配流程:激光技术,异种材料复合。


  • 储能:开发了一条圆柱形、柱状及软包锂离子电池模块的装配生产线。
  • 开发燃料电池生产线。

Mondragon Assembly公司已成为自动化及装配技术和工艺流程方面的欧洲领导者,并参与了很多创新项目。



MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “Responsible and reliable artificial intelligence for decision-making for industrial maintenance decisions”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The GIZAK-IA project is an initiative whose main objective is to develop a set of generic, modular and extensible tools (AI-DSS platform) linked to a new methodology and standards for artificial intelligence solutions for the effective implementation and adoption of prescriptive maintenance in manufacturing industries.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “Sustainable Cognitive Space in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The AIXIA project is an initiative whose main objective is to provide a reliable cognitive space based on a sustainable, adaptive and technology stack agnostic infrastructure, enabling companies to offer new concepts of federated services based on knowledge sharing, through AI servitization, for the monetization of their data and knowledge in new long-term business models in a cross-sector environment.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “Integral solution of predictive analytics and AI for strategic planning and future projection of Human Capital in the company”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

TALENTIX aims to build an innovative technological solution based on Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, for the digital transformation of the strategic planning of human capital in companies, through the automation of their processes, the in-depth analysis of their current talent needs and the prediction of their future needs.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “Digital space for industrial knowledge sharing based on Artificial Intelligence”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The EGOKIA project is an initiative whose main objective is the development of new digital spaces for data sharing and the creation of new services based on such data. The aim is to develop platforms that enable the secure exchange of data, including aspects of data sovereignty, and that allow new businesses associated with them between agents in the value chain.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. is participating in the project entitled “SCALABLE BATTERY FOR ELECTRIC HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The SABRE project is an initiative whose main objective is to develop manufacturing technologies for lithium batteries for buses and trucks. This technology is developed with the aim of increasing the gravimetric and volumetric energy density of current battery packs, as well as optimizing production costs. The development of the technology and the implementation in pilots will allow to validate the results in real conditions.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “Hyperscale Edge Computing Open Platform for Industrial DataSpaces”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The HYPERSCALE project is an initiative whose main objective is to investigate the technology that allows hyperscaling Edge and Fog Computing architectures to drive the deployment of data management, human-centered decision-making applications, and federated AI models in advanced manufacturing.


MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. participates in the project entitled “New advanced technologies for multifunctional photovoltaic modules and systems integrated into buildings and infrastructures”, which has been co-financed with FEDER funds and subsidized by the Basque Government.

The MULTIPV project is an initiative whose main objective is to carry out the necessary research and development to create new advanced technologies for multifunctional photovoltaic modules and systems that allow the integration of photovoltaic technology in buildings and infrastructure to produce renewable electrical energy near the points of consumption, taking advantage of the surfaces already built.



Flex2Energy is a project with the ambitious goal to manufacture reliable Integrated Photovoltaics (IPVs) with differentiated product design, through the development of the first-of-each-kind Automated Roll-to-Roll (R2R) Manufacturing Line for Organic PVs. The F2E Manufacturing Line consists of the R2R Printing & Automated Assembly Machines, enhanced with robust metrologies for inline quality & process control under Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis, implementing industry 4.0 concept. F2E IPVs will comply with all the standards, codes and product requirements of use in Buildings, Agriculture and Automotive sectors.



SEAMLESS-PV is conceived to respond to the technological challenge faced by the world of IPV by addressing the development of advanced flexible automated PV equipment manufacturing based on high efficiency c-Si technologies, the upscale of new manufacturing processes presenting key features (e.g. lightness, enhanced integrability) and cost reductions that enable the seamless integration of PV over final applications and the development of a set of IPV products demonstrating cost-competitiveness and compliance with market requirements and expectations. The project will demonstrate this new manufacturing capacity at pilot level and showcase the opportunity for European IPV manufacturers and end-users to unleash the potential of this sector.




CLEANHYPRO, a pioneering project dedicated to addressing the critical need for efficient and sustainable hydrogen production.

Within the realm of sustainable production, CLEANHYPRO is set to establish an innovative Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) focused on scaling up circular innovative materials and components for electrolysis.

Our mission is to serve as an accessible Single Entry Point (SEP) for industrial partners, particularly SMEs, facilitating the adoption of revolutionary electrolysis technologies while minimizing costs and risks, thereby accelerating market adoption.





PEPPERONI will help advance perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics (PV) technology’s journey towards the market introduction and mass manufacturing. Its  goal is to identify and address the barriers to tandem solar technology’s market introduction, and ultimately lay the foundations for new production capacity in Europe. A pilot line enabling this development will be established at Qcells’ European headquarters in Thalheim, Germany, with the long-term vision of enabling European industrial leadership on PV production in the global market.




PHOTORAMA is an EU funded innovation action striving to improve recycling of Photovoltaic (PV) panels and recovery of Raw Materials (RM). The main objective is to demonstrate innovative recycling solutions with a pilot line that is at TRL 7



The GOPV project aims to reduce the cost of photovoltaic energy generation in European plants by 50%. To this end, Mondragon Assembly is contributing to the project with the development of machinery capable of assembling high-power photovoltaic modules automatically. These modules use HJT technology cells and the connection is made using electrically conductive adhesives.



ZDMP is a Horizon 2020 Project for innovation in the EU aimed at developing solutions that allow zero-defect manufacturing by means of the use of cloud-based IT platforms that provide specific services.

To do so, an open-source platform will be developed, as well as the development environment, the marketplace and the apps to allow industries to access the tools that allow the zero-defect paradigm to be achieved.



FLOIM is a Horizon 2020 Project for innovation in the EU aimed at developing solutions that allow the manufacture of optoelectronics by means of plastic injection processes.

These components are currently manufactured by means of processes that are far more expensive, and the development of injection processes that achieve the requirements of the optoelectronic market will enable an extraordinary reduction in the cost of these components.



PICKPLACE is an EU 2020 Horizon 2020 innovation project aimed at developing solutions that combine the capabilities of robots and people in a safe, flexible and reliable environment.  The collaboration is planned in an intralogistics environment for which new solutions will be developed: dynamic packaging planning, flexible capture strategies, and a multifunction clamp. These advances will be combined with a perception system and action strategies to create a safe environment for collaboration between the person and the robot.



LAY2FORM is an EU Horizon 2020 research and development project aiming at the manufacturing of 3D pieces lightened by means of the hybridisation of metals with composite materials of the thermoplastic matrix. The manufacturing platform will respond to a flexible line concept with cognitive automation, monitoring, and online inspection. In addition, the process will be modelled to provide real-time optimisation  of the products that are manufactured in the line.



Manufacturing is undergoing immense yet gradual Industry 4.0 transformation with the help of advancements including predictive maintenance. SMART-PDM’s objective is to acquire manufacturing data to provide diagnosis and prognosis information while rendering the underlying technology financially feasible. This will result in lower costs of maintenance, waste and parts as well as improvements in quality and throughput. The technological advancements validated by the demonstrators will help enhance the know-how, technologies, solution offerings and toolsets of the partners.



Productive 4.0, an Europen project where Mondragon Assembly participate, is a project to improve the digitalization of the European industry by electronics and ICT. Almost half of the budget is funded, partly by the EU, partly by ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the national authorities of involved countries. There are involved 109 partners and 19 countries

The aim is to create a user platform across value chains and industries, thus promoting the digital networking of manufacturing companies, production machines and products.

The participating partners will examine methods, concepts and technologies for service-oriented architecture as well as for components and infrastructure in the Internet of Things. Other aspects are standardization and process virtualization, in other words, simulating manufacturing processes to optimize real workflows. The platform can be used in the three interlocked process pillars for managing the supply chains, the product life cycle and digital production.



The core of the HIPERION project is a disruptive solar photovoltaic (PV) module technology, based on planar optical micro-tracking, which concentrates sunlight on multi-junction solar cells on top of a conventional silicon backplane, integrated within a static frame.

This innovative module architecture achieves more than 30% efficiency under direct sunlight, while still harvesting diffuse sunlight with its underlying PV backplane.

Compatible with any type of installation from rooftop to ground-mounted trackers, the solution produces up to 50% more energy than conventional c-Si modules with the same form-factor.



BIPV refers to building elements that, together with their role as building cladding, produce renewable solar energy thanks to PV integration.

The overall ambition of the BIPVBOOST project focuses on bringing down the cost of multifunctional building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems, limiting the overcost compared to traditional, non-PV, construction solutions and non-integrated PV modules.

This will be done through an effective implementation of short and medium-term cost reduction roadmaps addressing the whole BIPV value chain and demonstration of the contribution of the technology towards mass realization of nearly Zero Energy Buildings.




The INPROBAT project “INvestigation of new production PROcesses to reduce the cost of BATteries and their environmental impact” aims to advance knowledge in order to eliminate the main barriers that these systems currently present and favour the integration of electric vehicles into society.

Granted by the CDTI   


INBAT project (Investigación conceptual de un Sistema de Baterías Cell to Pack con celdas pouch ligeras, seguras y competitivas y validación a escala de laboratorio.) aims to develop new cell to pack battery pack concept for electric vehicles, concretely “Vans” segment. Mondragon Assembly will develop an industrial assembly process for the developed battery pack.

Granted by the CDTI   


SUNRISE PV project (Nueva generación de tecnologías fotovoltaicas para reducción del coste energético mediante estrategias de circularidad) is focused on the development of advanced PV technology. Mondragon assembly will develop new cell interconnection processes for future cell technologies (tandem cells, back contact cells, shingled cells…etc).


Granted by the CDTI             

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