Interconnection machine
Individual equipment
High speed bussing machine with capacity of 120 modules/hour.

120 modules/hour

Any number of
ribbon or wire

Vision Integrated

Suitable for cut-cells

Uptime > 99,5%
- The machine cuts and places the bussing ribbons
under the strings automatically. - This equipment interconnects the strings and prepares
the wiring for the junction box.
- Accurate soldering and zero breakage rate
- Unlimited busbars or wires
- Uptime > 99,5%
- 8 hours autonomy
- High quality soldering
- Minimized factory footprint
- No manual operations
- Easy integration with the MES system
Main Features
- Automatic ribbon loading and bending
- Induction welding system
- Artificial vision system
- Real-time quality feedback
- No need for thermal isolation
- No template needed
- Optional ribbon overlap design
- Two or three soldering heads
Module technologies
- Cell size up to M12+
- Any number of ribbon or wire
- Suitable for BIPV modules
- Full and cut-cells
- Suitable for any cell technology