
Mondragon Assembly develops the first PV manufacturing line for agrivoltaics application in Greece

5 June, 2024

The Basque company will develop a customized turnkey line for Brite Hellas S.A., a Greek PV module manufacturer for agrivoltaic applications that will manufacture semi-transparent PV panels.

First line developed in Europe (Greece) true for agrivoltaic applications

Mondragon Assembly has secured a significant contract with Brite Hellas S.A. (Brite Solar) to construct a comprehensive manufacturing line tailored for the production of semi-transparent photovoltaic modules using silicon solar cells for agrivoltaic applications. Expected to be fully operational by the end of the year, certain equipment will be operational sooner to align with the client’s production schedule.

Furthermore, Brite Solar, based in Greece, is a nanomaterials company with a lot of experience and patented technology in transparent solar glass for ever more demanding applications. Recognized as a leader in the European Agrivoltaics Market, Brite offers a wide range of products tailored to different greenhouse and open-field requirements.

This cutting-edge production line, which is customized to work with a wide range of module designs, will have a 150MW capacity with the plan for future upgrade to 300MW. This is globally the only true Agri-PV specific module manufacturing line since it combines the panel assembly process with coating of the glass panel to achieve higher Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) for the plants under the panel. The nanomaterials and their deposition method are Brite Solar’s patented technology.

Versatility and the possibility of producing different PV panels

A key element of the line is its flexibility to manufacture different module designs with the minimum change time. This flexibility enables Brite Solar to manufacture various modules with diverse transparency, giving them greater flexibility to adapt the modules to the light requirements of the crops under the modules. Transparency in agrivoltaic applications is a key element and this line is capable of producing panels ranging from opaque to 80% transparent. The PV modules incorporate an innovative patented glass with big benefits for the Agrivoltaics Market due to Brite Solar’s nanomaterials coated on the glass.

Agrivoltaics, a sustainable application for the future

Agrivoltaics is the practice of combining agriculture with solar photovoltaic energy generation. This is achieved by installing solar panels on agricultural land, allowing both activities to coexist in the same space. This combination is sure to bring great benefits to agricultural activity, increasing its efficiency while reducing costs. Brite Solar’s modules are the perfect example of this application.

The European Agrivoltaics Market is at an early but promising stage of development. Many projects are being developed in different agricultural sectors such as wine, grain and vegetable production, with increasing investment from farmers and food production companies.

“It is a very interesting project, both in terms of development and applicability of the module. We are honored to be the first to develop a manufacturing line for agrivoltaics panels in Europe (Greece) combining our tools with Brite Solar’s coating materials. We believe that this future application will allow us to make a real difference in the solar sector and to take another step towards a more sustainable world” explains Izaro Aretxaga, Area Sales Manager of the Solar Business.

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